Thursday, January 29, 2009

Internet Video Memes

Oh, is that what you call them...

All sarcasm aside, this is a little trip down Memory Meme Lane in this big bad Internet City.

1) "All your base are belong to us"
This was the first internet phenomenon that really impressed me. I think it had something to do with the 8-bit Engrish obsession combined with the lure of en masse photoshopping.

2) "Gonads and Strife"
Or "Weee!" with a lot of e's if you prefer. Sure, it doesn't make any sense at first, but the hyperactive squirrel touches on some classic themes: drugs, death, R2D2... who am I kidding... I just watch it to sing "gonads in the lightning!"

3) "G.I. Joe PSAs" - If you ever lost faith in the interweb's ability to completely dumbfound you with random bullshit, don't blame Eric Fensler. I can only hope that The Rise of Cobra inspires a whole new set of live action PSAs.

4) "Powerthirst" - Let's forget for a moment that someone actually made a real life version of Brawndo (the sports drink that causes famine in Idiocracy) and used the Powerthirst voice talent to market it. It's all about the turbopuns and the preposterone hyperbole for me. From Rawberry to the 'fighter plane made of biceps,' watching the Powerthirst videos almost makes me feel good about skipping the gym.

5) "Can't Tase This" - Regardless of your OMG thoughts on the UF tasing incident, nothing spices up the internews like a little old skool... STOP... Hammertime. The sound editing is priceless, but I think the funniest thing for me is the implied lyrical oxymoron. Yes, they can touch this. Not only can they touch it, they can also tase it. Just you wait and see.

6) "Muppets react to '2 girls one cup'" - 2 girls 1 cup was probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. Kinda like having both my eyes raped by a troop of silverback gorillas. But, like many things in life, the Muppets found a way to make me laugh at it. Probably not what Jim Henson had in mind. Rolf FTW.

7) "There Will Be Milkshakes" - When a murder scene from a hyper-serious movie and the chorus from a sassy R&B song have something in common, well... opposites attract. They go straight to 'parking' after sharing a milkshake at the drugstore. What they don't tell you in health class is that the internet gets the orphaned baby after the one night stand. If I weren't such a lazy man I'd probably mash up Daniel Day Lewis and Kelis on for you. But I am.

8) "Oprah OVER 9000 penises f/ PEDOBEAR remix" - If you're unfamiliar with trolls and Pedopals then you may want to watch the clip from Attack of the Show before you delve into the remix. On one hand you might feel sorry for Empress O in her sincere concern for children online. On the other, you can't help but marvel at her gullibility as she serves to educate only by example. "Now make that your power!"